All goods will remain the property of Simply3mb PTY LTD until fully paid for. Faulty goods must be returned to the relevant Simply3mb PTY LTD branch where the original purchase was made.
Quotations are only valid for a period of 24 hours unless explicitly otherwise stated. Simply3mb PTY LTD will not accept responsibility for the guaranteed supply and price of products quoted on (this is due to factors such as volatile currency exchange).
Simply3mb PTY LTD will not guarantee the price validity and stock availability of a third party supplier.
Simply3mb PTY LTD provides a 7 day return policy from date of purchase (invoice date as stipulated on the Simply3mb PTY LTD tax invoice). Items returned within this return policy period will be credited on the condition that the goods are returned in exactly the same condition as it was at original point of purchase including original packaging, manuals, driver disks, any accessories, serial numbers and a copy of the tax invoice.
A 15% (fifteen percent) handling fee may be levied should the goods returned not be in exactly the same condition as it was at the time of purchase with all packaging intact and complete.
Credit will not be issued at all should the faulty goods be returned later than seven days of date of purchase from Simply3mb PTY LTD.
Before a credit will be passed, all items that are returned will be assessed by a Simply3mb PTY LTD technician to be deemed fit for return and credit as set out in these terms and conditions. Should there be any reason that Simply3mb PTY LTD cannot assess the product it will first be sent to the vendor or supplier for testing and approval for credit, swop out or repair.
Data will not be guaranteed at all, and the loss of data will not in any way be the responsibility of Simply3mb PTY LTD. Data backup remains the sole responsibility of the client.
Digital items such as software (for example a License keys etc) is non-refundable without
Any goods ordered that are not collected within 2 days of notification will deem the order to be cancelled and the goods will not be held.
All backorders that have come into stock will be cancelled within 2 days of receiving said stock, should the order not be completed.
All quotes, invoices and prices without exception will be subject to the terms and conditions stated herein. No transaction or correspondence will be deemed valid without adhering to these terms and conditions.
Prices and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
Only goods purchased directly from Simply3mb PTY LTD will be accepted for warranty. Should an item have been
purchased from a different vendor and not from Simply3mb PTY LTD directly, the item would need to be returned to the vendor from which it was purchased.
Errors and Omissions excepted.